Ada College Apprenticeship GitBook
Year One
Data Structures and Algorithms
- Basic ideas / skills
- Sorting algorithms
- Bonus sorting algorithms
- Searching algorithms
- Data Structures
- Recursion
- Big-O Notation
- Dynamic Programming
- File Input
Programming in Java
- Basic terminology (or jargon)
- Data Types
- Conditionals
- Looping and iteration
- I/O (Input - Output)
- Drawing & Graphics
- Samples of code you should know how to write
- Introduction
- Phases of SDLC
- Waterrfall
- Agile
- Scrum
- Prototyping
- Testing
- Security
- Object oriented analysis and design
- Maintenance
Database Systems
- Introduction
- Tables, fields, and primary keys
- Datatypes
- SQL: Select, Insert, and Update
- SQL: Where, Like, and In
- SQL: Joins, Unions, and Views
- SQL: Subquery and Group By
- Data models
- Functional dependencies and Normalisation
- Security