Big-O Notation

Table of Contents


Big-O notation is a relative representation of the complexity of an algorithm. Now, what is complexity? It is how we describe how many steps our algorithm will take to complete, depending on its input. That means that we want a formula in which we can plug a number in, get out a -rough- estimate of how many steps it should take.

We express complexity in the form of O(formula), where formula can be a number, a variable -like x, y, and usually n-, or multiple variables (but we won't explore that here).

How to calculate complexity

In this section we will use code-ish sentences to understand how we calculate complexity. Take the following scenario:

I arrive home.
I greet my mom.
I go to my room.

If we look at how many steps this algorithm has, we can see they are always the same. No matter what. There could be 50 people in the house, but we always greet 1 person, and then we carry on to the rest of our steps. So we can conclude there are three(3) steps. When we calculate Big-O complexity we call this O(1), even though you would think it'd be O(3). The reason we drop to 1 from 3 is because when calculating complexity we don't really care about being exact, it is an estimate. Whenever we find a constant complexity we just write it as O(1). So O(5), O(99), O(500000) are all O(1).

Now for a scenario that's a little more complicated:

I arrive at my friend's party.
For every person at the house I:
  Greet said person.
For every possible food I find I:
  Eat a taste of said food.
I enjoy the party.
I go back home.

Now in this algorithm, there are some parts that are constant. Try to identify them, there's three(3) of them. There also two sets of steps that vary depending on how many people(p) and food types(f) there are. So we can say that we will greet p amount of people and we'll try f amount of food. Try think how you would express that in Big-O with what you know so far. Here's how me measure it:

  1. O(1 + p + f + 1 + 1)
  2. O(3 + p + f)
  3. O(p + f)

There's something very important about this example. Notice p and f are different. Now imagine instead of trying food, we would just greet people twice. The result would be O(p + p) -> O(2p). We said we drop constants, so this would be O(p) (which is the same as O(n)). But because there is not the same amount of people than there is of food (or at least we cant guarantee it) O(p + f) is as much as we can simplify.

The variable inside O() does not have to be n, even though it often is. Don't get confused if you see O(x), it's the same as O(n).

There's more to complexity analysis than we will describe here, refer to the external references provided.

Common complexities

You might also find this as common runtimes.

  • O(1): Constant - The algorithm will take the same amount of time no matter how large the input is.

  • O(log(n)): Logarithmic - This is often the complexity for problems that involve looking things up, like finding a word in a dictionary. If the dictionary is twice as big, it contains twice as many words as the original to compare to. Looking something up will take only one step more. The algorithm to do lookups is simple. The word in the middle of the dictionary will be either before or after the term that needs to be looked up, if the words do not match. If it is before, the term needs to be in the second half of the dictionary. If it is after the word, it needs to be in the first half. That way, the problem space is halved with every step, until the word or definition is found. This is generally known as logarithmic complexity.

  • O(n): Linear - Mowing the lawn can be thought of as a problem with linear complexity. Mowing an area that is double the size of the original takes twice as long.

  • O(n²): Quadratic - Suppose you want to know which of your friends know each other. You have to ask each pair of friends whether they know each other. If you have twice as many friends as someone else, you have to ask four times as many questions to figure out who everyone knows. Problems that take four times as long when the size of the problem doubles are said to have quadratic complexity.

These are some common Big-O types (Source):

Name Notation How you feel when they show up to your party
Constant O(1) AWESOME!!
Logarithmic O(log N) GREAT!
Linear O(N) OKAY.
Linearithmic O(N log N) UGH...
Polynomial O(N ^ 2) SHITTY
Exponential O(2 ^ N) HORRIBLE
Factorial O(N!) WTF

Big-O Graph, from Big O Cheatsheet:

Big O Notation Graph

External references

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