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Agile is not a specific methodolgy. Unlike Waterfall, it does not prescribe a set way of working through the phases of SDLC.

It offers a set of principles that software developers can use to find solutions to their problems. It emphasises flexibilty and collaboration. It was developed in 2001 when a group of software engineers met to discuss their craft.

At the heart of Agile is a 4 point manifesto and 12 guiding principles.

Agile manifesto

  1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  2. Working software over comprehensive documentation
  3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  4. Responding to change over following a plan

Agile principles

  • Highest priority: satisfy customer through early and continuous development of valuable software
  • Welcome changes to requirements (even late on).
  • Delivers working software frequently - e.g. fortnightly or monthly
  • Business people and developers must work together daily
  • Build projects around motivated individuals. Trust.
  • Best way to convey information is face-to-face
  • Working software is the measure of progress
  • Sustainable development (i.e. consistent pace - avoid burnout)
  • Emphasis on technical excellence and good design
  • Simplicity: maximising the amount of work not done
  • Self organising teams.
  • At regular intervals teams reflects.

Agile strengths

  • Agile is adaptive not predictive. It is flexible.
  • It fosters a transparent relationship with the client (e.g. regular meetings and early prototypes)
  • Regular iteration allows lessons to be learnt
  • Rapid move toward minimum viable product (MVP) means benefits realised early on
  • Testing throughout improves quality
  • Small incremental change reduces risk and allows errors to be spotted early
  • More enjoyable (people over process, collaborative, active, etc...)

Agile weaknesses

  • Can be inefficient in large organisations - lots of decentralised decision making means economies of scale are lost.
  • Projects can go off track if the customer is not clear on desired final outcome
  • An excuse not to write documentation
  • Often requires large changes to working practices, so can be difficult to implement
  • Is demanding of the client’s time
  • Makes it difficult to estimate budget


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