Data Types in Java

Table of Contents


In computer science, data is grouped according to type. This chapter covers the naming conventions used for data types in Java.

Java is a statically typed programming language, meaning that what kind of data it is is as important as the data itself. In Java, when creating an array, declaring a variable, or making a function, you must declare the type before its name.



Integers in computer science refer to whole numbers.

100 - an integer

How to declare an integer in Java:

int x = 100;


Doubles refer to numbers fixed to a point. Example: Decimal numbers

1.50 - a double

How to declare a double in Java:

double y = 1.50;


Operands are symbols signifying a specific mathematical operation to be performed.

In this example, the operand + tells us to add the numbers 1 and 2 together:

1 + 2

Some common operands:

+ - addition of numbers, and concatenation of Strings

- - subtraction of numbers

/ - division of numbers

* - multiplication of numbers

= - assigns a value. The value item on the left side becomes the value of the item on the right side.

== - strict equality. The value of the item on the left must be the same as the value of the item on the right side.

% - pronounced "modulo". Determines the remainder of dividing two numbers.


Booleans refer to items that evaluate to either true or false.

How to declare a boolean in Java:

boolean sorted = false;


A character refers to a single symbol between ''. Notice the single quotation marks.

Examples of characters:




How to declare a character in Java:

char letter = 'a';


A String refers to a series of characters between "". It is most frequently used for holding text.

Examples of Strings:


"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy brown dog"


How to declare a string in Java:

String talk = "blah blah blah";


2D Arrays

External Resources

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